Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
I am the current 2020 UK Wedding Awards - 'Wedding Videographer of the Year', and am also hold a UK Civil Aviation Authority Permit For Commercial Drone Operations. This allows me in the UK to do commercial drone work, and charge for drone photography and video. I have recently filmed for Natural England (a government agency) a series of drone films to promote their new coastal path. I think the drone is a still untapped platform for professional photography.. sure everyone takes drone photos with their drone, but people that understand lighting and composition to really see the world from a different angle. I think soon we will see more high end photographers moving into drone photography. Inspirations for me with drone work have come from Philip Bloom.. I prefer light and composition to the latest crazy camera movements say with FPV. Good light and composition will be timeless, but I think other trends can come and go.