Sebastian Bühler

Country: Germany 🇩🇪

Sebastian Bühler is a freelance photographer and artist living and working in Augsburg, Germany.
His photographs consciously and deliberately balance on the borderline between art and documentary photography. His work has been exhibited in Belfast, Siena, Trieste, Munich and Berlin.
Here is a descriptive statement by art historian Dr. Theres Bischoff on the work of Sebastian Bühler:
Where others move on, he stops, looks and discovers the charm of the no longer perfect. He takes a careful look at the damaged, which we are usually used to negating, and photographs it with care and respect. But it is not only in the close-up view that he reveals what was previously hidden and shows that beauty can be found in destruction. He also applies this principle in his work, which is photographed from an extreme distance. Sebastian Bühler not only conveys a new view of the surface, but also of what lies behind it and, above all, of ourselves.