Maho *

Country: Iran 🇮🇷


Beginning of artistic activities in 2000
ndependent photographer based in Tehran

Educational background:
Photography expert

Member of Iranian Press Photographers Association
Member of the Association of Cultural Heritage Photographers
Member of the Iranian Photographers Association

Winner of the top prize of the American Poy Competition (Environmental Vision section) 2022
Winner of the Landscape section of the Sony 2022 World Photography Awards
first place Winner of the Landscape section of the Sony - 2021 World Photography Awards
Winner of the International Focus Photography Awards Competition - Albania 2021
Winner of the Photography and Literature Festival - Austria 2022
Finalist of the big competition felix schoeller photo award 2021 Germany 2022
Nominated for the award of the fifth press photo badge of the year - Iran 2021
Second place in the Orhan Holding 2020 International Photo Contest
Ribbon of honor for the Cina - Italy 2020 match
Special appreciation of the jury in the 29th International Railway Photography Competition - Spain 2018

And more than 100 other awards from national and international festivals 2010-2023

Exhibition records:
Holding 10 solo exhibitions and participated in more than 100 group in world

Operating activities:
Printing two volumes of photo book (The Story of a River - Isfahan 1400)
Publication of several photos in print and online media of the world
Introducing the works of the section (personal view) of the sixth ten-day conference with Iranian
photographers in
Executive Secretary of the Photo Exhibition Joseph Polos (Austrian Photographer) and Majid Korang
Executive Secretary of the first group exhibition of news photographers in Isfahan in
Secretary of the first Isfahan Creative Photo Festival and Exhibition
Executive Secretary of the First National Photo Festival of Sheikh Baha'i of Isfahan
Exhibition management and judging of several national photo festivals
Photojournalist in various Iranian media from 2010-2020