
Photo © Simon Heather

1st classified

by Sebastian Piórek

A playground full of joy hidden somewhere deep in the south of Poland shows its beauty in the first flash of sun from above. This region is known for its mines and strongly urban character of architecture, so such a colorful playground is a kind of pearl from the ground and also...

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Runner up

Sunken church tower
by Paweł Jagiełło

The 14th-century church tower in Italy stands as a poignant reminder of the sunken village of Curon Venosta. In 1950, the entire village was submerged following the construction of a dam, resulting in the creation of the artificial basin known as Lake Resia. Today, only the churc...

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Highly commended

Suburban Dystopia
by Florian Kriechbaumer

A purpose-built villa community on the outskirts of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, features houses with identical designs. The houses are characterized by a two-color pattern and are arranged along a rectangular access street system.

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Highly commended

Carpet Farm
by Muzaffer Murat İlhan

Traditional carpet drying is a common practice in the Antalya region. After washing, carpets woven with Anatolian motifs are spread out on empty fields and dried using natural methods. This carpet drying process transforms the area into a captivating spectacle when viewed from ab...

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Highly commended

Decreasing green spaces
by Md. Asker Ibne Firoz

In a densely populated area of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, the detrimental consequences of urbanization are evident. One of the most significant impacts is the gradual disappearance of green spaces. Over the past few years, various parts of the city have witnessed the vanis...

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Earthquake in Turkey
by Erçin Ertürk

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I've dreamed of a Raspberry Lake
by Stephan Fürnrohr

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Urban Perfection
by Michele Rinaldi

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Arrive after passing the overpass
by Xu Zhang

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Ice Swirl
by Kara Murphy

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Surrounding by waves
by Iwan Ariawan

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A monument to eternal love, the Taj Mahal
by Michele Falzone

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Mosaic Aloft
by Marco Bottigelli

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At the right time in the right place.
by Александр Иванов

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Mammatus On Show.
by Jim Picôt

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Nerve Cell
by Ammar Alamir

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Heaven Lighthouse
by Yuriy Stolypin

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